Friday, June 15, 2012

Italy!! Rome (our last day)

Whew!!  what a busy, adventure filled trip.  We were pretty much going from the time we woke up to the time we went to bed and Rome was by far the busiest.  We crammed in a tour of the Colosseum, Vatican City (including the Sistine Chapel), and the Forum all in one day (in 94 degree heat).  It's hard to believe that a whole new city was built on top of the old Rome.  

 I was so amazed that all of these designs were made with tiny little tiles - 
 all done by hand

 The colosseum was so impressive, I had to come home and rent Gladiator so I could see what it was like back then.

 A little jewelry stand on the street where we had our last dinner
I thought the driving and parking were the funniest thing to see... parallel parking on a corner?  Only in Italy!!

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