Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Family vacation

For the first time since we've had property on the river, we are able to spend more than a few days up there, since we now have a fridge. We decided in lieu of going on a big vacation this year that we wanted to spend a week up at the cabin. The girls got to bring a friend with them for the first few days, then we had a day and a half by ourselves (which happened to be our 16th anniversary) then had our friends, the Baddeley's from Liberty Lake come up for the weekend. We were able to get carpet installed upstairs and get a lot of the flooring on the main floor done while we were there. On our day by ourselves, we decided to hike up the opposite side of the river to an abandoned mine. It took us 3 hours round trip and it was full of adventure. We got about 1/4 of the way up and Ashley started having allergy attacks, complete with sneezing every two steps, itchy eyes, nose and complete misery. At one time we were afraid that she had gotten into the poison oak that is EVERYWHERE on that side, but after we got back we realized that it was only allergies. We reached the mine and went in a little ways but it was slightly freaky to Ashley so we cut that part of the adventure short.

Berlyn, Nicole,Rachel & Ashley hiking

Learning to drive a stick shift
Mowing the lawn
Who has the best goofy face???

The opening to the mine

Ava, Olivia, Abby, Ashley, Nicole, Ellie

Little Ava Baddelely LOVED Chukar from the moment she saw him... She continually told us that he was "her doggy" and would get so upset every time he went somewhere without her because she thought he missed her.

Paul & Joe

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